Fulmore Magnet Prospective Parent Information Nights:
Please join us for an informational session about the Fulmore Magnet program on Thursday, October 6th or Thursday, November 10th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Fulmore Cafeteria. We will give an overview of our Magnet Program as well as application information.
Current Magnet families:
If you are able to volunteer at any upcoming magnet events, please contact the magnet office at 512-841-4916 or email Ms. Benitez at maria.benitezmorales. We appreciate all your support!
New and current Magnet families: It is registration time!
Parents, please visit: https://www.austinisd.org/technology/parents-guardians/student-registration for online registration for returning AISD students and new AISD students.