About Magnet – Magnet – Fulmore Middle School

Fulmore Middle School

About Magnet

Our program, consisting of four hundred plus magnet students from all around the Austin area, is 15 years old. Authorized by AISD's school board in 2001, Fulmore's Humanities and Law Magnet for International Studies was one of Austin's best kept secrets however, it is not so secret anymore! Smaller than its contemporaries, Fulmore's magnet program offers a variety of elective choices at each grade level (6, 7, 8) that correspond with the specialties of the program. 
Situated in the heart of Austin, Fulmore's excellent curriculum and programming is supported by the rich and vibrant environment that South Congress offers.  Three distinctive strands in law, humanities, and international studies form the basis for electives in areas that Fulmore is known for. Journalism students rank in the top 5% of all students in journalism programs in the state of Texas--and we compete with high schools in our University Interscholastic League for Journalism excellence!  Our fine arts program is one of the strongest in AISD! It includes multiple band, orchestra, guitar, choir, and theater classes as well as a thriving dance program. Fulmore's magnet program will prepare students for secondary success in their areas of interest and will support them in attending any high school of their choice.
Fulmore's Distinguished Speaker Series will feature host area attorneys, film directors, writers, and local experts in the Austin scene to speak with student about what they do, what skills are critical, and what the law says. Magnet students enroll in language arts and social studies courses designed for Magnet students only. These courses are engaging, require outside reading, and move at an accelerated pace. The Magnet program links units and/or concepts between the two courses to provide students a global perspective. Magnet electives, while populated primarily by magnet students, are open to all Falcons. Fulmore magnet students also enjoy challenging math and science classes with comprehensive students in a differentiated instructional environment. Fulmore is unique in our integration of magnet and comprehensive students which enhances the strength and diversity of our community. Magnet students are required to take part in at least two competitions per year, which they choose. These competitions enhance student's resumes and offer students enrichment opportunities. 
Fulmore is a school where a "kid can be a kid." Offering a variety of after school clubs, students have the opportunity to make friends from all areas of Austin. After all, in the real world, we all work alongside people from many walks of life. Five late buses depart Fulmore at 5:30 Monday through Friday. Parents say that Fulmore provides a comfortable environment where students are free to explore their strengths and discover more about who they are and what they believe in. We are proud to offer a premiere education experience in the heart of South Austin's or SOCO's unique, rich, and diverse setting.
Contact our office:
Phone: 512.841.4916
Fax: 512.414.0470
Magnet Director: Leigh Northcutt-Benson
Magnet Assistant: Maria Benitez-Morales