Fulmore Middle School

Fulmore Middle School

Fulmore Campus Fitnessgram

Congratulations to our Fulmore Falcons!
As a campus, our Falcons have done a tremendous job staying healthy, working hard, and reaching our campus goal of increasing the percentage of students in the "Healthy Zone" based on our Fitnessgram results!

Our Falcons have increased the number of students in the "Healthy Zone" by the following percentage from the start of the year to the end of the year:

Aerobic Capacity: 3%
Curl Ups : 7%
Push Ups : 11%
Sit and Reach : 5%
Trunk Lift : 8%
Great job Falcons! Have a great summer, and keep staying healthy!
Any parent who would like to request their Falcon's Fitnessgram results may do so by emailing . 
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