Middleschool Dropout looking to learn the basics.

alright so im 23 in a few days when i was 16 i dropped out of middle school (8th grade) i technically havent even graduated 6th grade let me give a little explanation as to why that is.

when i was younger i was bullied a lot. like an every day thing i grew up really poor and went the wealthier based schools ( i say that in the sense that the majority of the school children were well above the poverty / middle-class line. the bullying didnt really affect my schooling until i was in 6th grade for the first year which is when i started to get bigger and be able to defend myself i got into a lot of fights. over and over id get expelled and sent to what we called the bad kids school (which funny enough is where i got along with people the most) anyway at this school theyd send you too after being expelled. they literally didnt care about you or if you showed up or anything so i just did what i wanted this happened literally 5 years in a row.

Which school is better?

6th grade 5 times (pretty shameful) it got so bad that they eventually just pushed me into 8th grade and told me if i did well on the tests theyd bump me up to 9th grade swhich sounded like a good deal except for the fact that book wise im an actual degenerate. i knew nothing while im not completely illiterate or incapable of intelligent conversation i just cant take any tests. so at 16 i dropped out. with no more than a 6th grade education.

now all i do is sit at home with a panic disorder play video games and waste away. but id like to take some steps to change that i want to get my GED but im not going to mess with it until i have a basic understanding for general math/history/grammar and whatever other essential things i need to know to be a normal functioning human being. so basically im looking for any and all free tools i can use to learn on my PC while keeping me motivated (my biggest problem is motivation) i want to set aside atleast 2 hours a day dedicated to just learning i figure at 2 hours a day ill be doing alright ( i hope atleast ) anyway, thanks for taking the time to look through my long drawn out post for a simple short point i just feel like people dont think of you as bad when you explain to them what all happened to lead up to you being a shitty human. <3


  1. I would do a bit of spelling and reading before grammar. Work through these online spelling lessons. If there is a lot you don’t know, do the phonics lessons afterwards.


    Then, read some real books, whatever interests you, plus some science and history, then you will be better able to tackle grammar. I would ask in r/languagelearning for some good grammar resources.

    A good selection of readings in book form is “High School Subjects Self Taught” by Lewis Copeland, you can get one right now for $7.93 from Amazon:


    Good Luck!

  2. Khan Academy is great – I’m using it to relearn algebra and geometry as an adult. Check out r/khanacademy on Reddit, too.

    I’ve also found some great free lessons on Youtube. Like, for middle-grade math, try Yaymath. His lessons are fun, easy to understand, and not boring. Mathantics and MashupMath are also good for basic math review. All have humor pitched to middle-school kids, which can be a little weird as an adult, but sometimes I still prefer them to Khan. The last 2 feature helpful graphics and animations.

    I also really like Fort Bend Tutoring on Youtube, especially for Algebra word problems. He has a Basic Math playlist that might be a good place to start. He explains everything really clearly and he has a really calming vibe. Krista King is also great that way and has a pre-algebra playlist.

    Sometimes I type the Khan lesson title into Youtube and see if one of my favorites has a video on it, then watch that for the lesson instead of the Khan video, just because I like their teaching styles better. The Khan guy can be a little boring. Or I watch both. Then I do the problems on Khan for practice.

    I’ve had some test anxiety in the past, although luckily not as bad as you. One thing I have noticed with Khan Academy is that I don’t get as anxious when it’s the computer scoring my work – I guess because I know that it won’t think of me as stupid. Maybe learning online will help your test anxiety, too.

    Just this week I signed up for IXL.com to get more math practice problems. You can actually work on the entire K-12 curriculum here online. I don’t know if you can afford it – it’s $10-$15/month, depending on how many topics you study, and they have cheaper yearly plans. But you can also do a small number of free problems on their site each day and look at their outlines for a really good idea of what you need to study. And you could see if your local library has textbooks you can borrow, and work on the problems they have solutions for in the back of the book. You can also get free worksheets with answers here; https://www.kutasoftware.com/free.html .

    Also, see this post; https://www.reddit.com/r/bibliographies/comments/36ltzk/math_basic_algebra/

    I know what you mean about motivation – that’s really the hardest thing when you are learning on your own. I think your idea to do 2 hours a day is great. (And break that down into 15-20 minute chunks, with 5-10 minute breaks between them to move around/exercise/listen to some music.) Do you think it would help if you joined a GED program? If you call 211 they can help you find a local GED program. Maybe you can even find one that you can do online. Also, check out r/GED and r/GEDPrep.

    One thing I like to do for inspiration is watch or read short videos that inspire me to learn more, even if they don’t teach me a specific skill I need to cover. Here are some of my favorites;

    • Math : https://youtu.be/ahXIMUkSXX0

    • Science : https://youtu.be/BickMFHAZR0

    • Tech: https://youtu.be/t4thhWiWnqI

    Also see SciShow, Minute Earth, Crash Course, Periodic Videos, TED-Ed, Simple History, It’s Okay To Be Smart, and Tom Scott for more inspiring YT videos.

    Good luck to you!

    P.S. Maybe try the Grammarly browser extension for English help? “Grammarly isn’t just a safety net. You’ll get detailed explanations for all your mistakes and weekly progress reports to keep you on the ball.”

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