Middle school isn't bad at all

Even if you had a decent livelihood, middle school isn’t bad. I hear people complaining about middle school, but I didn’t understand why. All I heard were complaints about teachers and parents, but that doesn’t mean that middle school itself is supposed to have the worst school years. Before you come at me with “hormones” or “puberty”, I am completely aware, but middle school is not the one to blame. It won’t cancel out the fact I had a good experience.

I frequently hear that the worst years of school are middle school, but most of what I heard from there has to do with terrible teachers/livelihood/bullies. Middle school had the best school years for me, despite that it was the era of puberty and “cringy” stuff. I didn’t love every single day, but I wish that I could relive the experience again. I’m not denying the terrible things other middle school students went through, but I’m not the one among the group that hates middle school.


  1. I’d like to add that a lot of the drama you see in school is created by the students themselves. They can blame teachers all they want but I can’t count how much class time and lessons are devoted just to teaching kids to be nice. A lot of the negative behavior you see in school with kids towards each other is learned from home or at the very least not corrected.

    Most kids who have a hard time in middle school had a hard time because they had personal and social issues. But as teachers, we can only make so many exceptions to behavior and grades because there’s a standard students have to meet. A lot of people feel teachers didn’t do enough for them but there really isn’t a lot teachers can do, and I don’t think people really understand how little power a teacher has over certain circumstances.

  2. My wife was a foot taller than everyone and felt like a grotesque giant. Teachers unfairly treated her like a TA doing her college credits because she looked like she was 20. When she’d laugh with her friends, they’d snap at her – even though they were all 12 😞

    I was a foot shorter than everyone and didn’t hit puberty until 9th grade. Both of us had horrific acne.

    Congrats on having an easy go of it. Most people didn’t.

  3. Middle school is where I first developed my depression which has still effected me 8 years later. Throughout middle school I lost all my friends, was bullied constantly, and tried to kill myself 3 times. Teachers did nothing to help me. That’s great you had a fun time, but most of us did not

  4. I’m not entirely sure of what age range is ‘middle school’ but from what you’re saying regarding hormones and puberty I’m guessing it’s like 12 – 15?

    If so, I absolutely detested those years at school. My reasons are mainly bullying, which I know is not the actual schools fault. But when teachers allow the bullying, do nothing to stop it, actually get involved in it and tell your mother its ‘her own fault’.. you can’t help but slightly feel bitter towards the school and those years of your life.

  5. Middle school was awful for me, personally. I was bullied heavily (mainly in 6th grade) for being ‘weird’ and was tripped in the halls, had my books shoved out of my hands, followed into bathrooms to be taunted without adults to witness it, etc. My school made us sit with our 5th hour class for lunch and in 6th and 8th grade I had no friends to sit with, we had these long tables and the chairs would be empty around me. My one best friend moved the summer before eighth grade and it made things lonely. In the mornings before the first class you had to be seated in the gym with your grade (the library stopped letting kids in at 7:30 and you couldn’t hide in the bathrooms). I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and depression in high school and never got help or medication that could’ve helped me at the time.

    1. 6th grade can be good or it can be bad. 7th grade is utter shit and you can’t convince me otherwise. 8th grade is fun and chill.

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